Category: "Accidents"

Yes. The Bible records several of them. To stop the young children seeing and following their parent’s naughty ways (unbelief) God decreed that those who so quickly forgot His deliverance and other miracles, made them (those aged over 20 years old) wand… more »
Truth is God did not make them. We did. ‘We’ also made drugs, land mines, adultery (having sex with someone you shouldn’t) and all the things that evil minds can invent. When somebody feels bad, it is often God they blame - because it a normal thought… more »
Oh Boy! Good question. I think about that because it happens a lot these days. Do understand that many who do wrong things do have to pay, and a trip to jail is for some of them. There are many answers but none are complete. Three men in the city I l… more »
I have to think you mean ‘like no one else’. Well I think God has done a pretty good job of making 6,500,000 000 people who are all different and you are unique in being what you are. Nobody looks exactly the same, eye patterns, fingerprints and DNA se… more »
An awful lot of people have asked or thought upon that question. Especially me. Yes! This writer has been a T12 incomplete paraplegic for 37 years. That means my legs do not work and never will. A short answer…I do not know, but this is a longish an… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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