Category: "Death"


Q106: Why do we die?

Why do we die? Well, we all have to die one day. The Bible says that a person’s life is 70 years, or eighty if he is strong. In another way, each day in Australia about four people take their own lives, by suicide. I do not know but maybe this is wh… more »
In heaven, you know how we don’t get older but does God? No, I do not believe that God gets old like we do here on earth. There are many big words to describe God. He is immortal, (deathless, lives forever) invisible, omnipresent (everywhere at once… more »
Great question and many think on it. I don’t know the answer exactly but I’ll try: Jesus said to His disciples not long before he was going to die: ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house (heaven) are… more »
To begin with it makes some people very sad – and some people very happy. Those who loved you phone up all who knew you and they tell others. Then the funeral is arranged, and notices put in the paper to give details of where and when the funeral will b… more »
Q.120 ‘Are there actually people that have gone to hell or is it just a lie?’ No! It is not just a lie. Jesus told the story of two people: one went to hell and one went to heaven. The story was to let people know that there would be a separation aft… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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