Category: "Death"

I have asked this one myself, as have millions of ordinary folk. There is no simple answer. Sorry about that, but is a very common, very complex (hard to understand and explain) question. I broke my back on the tenth anniversary of the birth of my… more »
Those questions cover a host of very awkward questions that cannot be easily answered. Why? Well, the whole truth only comes out many years later! I can assure you that by the time you get to 50 years old many untold facts probably will have been told a… more »
I cannot tell you and I’m sorry that he has gone. We all, in our hearts, want our Grandparents to live forever. That’s how it should be. However some of them can be mongrels and nasty characters and few miss them when they go. To have that good Grand… more »
I have to assume that you mean what happens to my soul or spirit. With your body, your heart stops beating and when the brain gets no blood, all movement stops and your body cools and a doctor says that you are dead and fills out an official form sayin… more »
The Studnet's full question was actually: Q68:  "I think heaven and hell aren’t real. Is there any solid proof that the two exist? Is it just something made up so they wouldn’t be afraid of death? How do they know the Bible wasn’t just made up and pass… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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