Category: "Death"

I have got this question dozens of times and I want to have you think a bit. Your teacher has a one metre wooden ruler and I want you to imagine it sitting on a little block of wood right in the centre of teachers table. Neither end touches the table. I… more »
The writer of this blog (Me - Peter Harris) is still ‘obsessed’ with World War Two (WW II). I was in school during the six years of that terrible war when fifty-two million (52 m.) people died. Around half were civilians, from hunger and cold. The deat… more »
Well I am so glad he made you because you brought something to school that was very special and the class would not have been so good without you! Nobody else was like you. Wonderful! Six billion and not one is exactly like another. God made the worl… more »
Yes. The Bible records several of them. To stop the young children seeing and following their parent’s naughty ways (unbelief) God decreed that those who so quickly forgot His deliverance and other miracles, made them (those aged over 20 years old) wand… more »
“When God has had enough of our stupidity!” (my opinion) The disciples asked Jesus this and He said: “The angels in heaven don’t know and I don’t know, only my Father in heaven knows.” Jesus said a lot about in Matthew chapter 24. Note: Jesus called i… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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