Category: "God"

No, not as we understand parents. He has just been there forever. The Bible says nothing about God having parents. more »
Please ask this question from some people you know are Christians because I can only give you my experience – and that backs up what the Bible says. I have had many doubts over 79 years!! Be assured of that; it is OK to doubt. A ’voice’ has spoken to me… more »
God just spoke and it happened! That is basically what the Bible says in Genesis chapter one – first book, first page, and the first words. It’s a simple answer for me to give – easy. Millions of people have, still do, and always will argue and discuss… more »
The Bible does not spell out exactly how He does. It is a mystery. God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere at once), and omniscient (knows everything). Just how God is all those things I cannot tell you, but He did make the world so… more »
My dictionary says of God: ’superhuman being worshipped as having supernatural powers, object of worship, Supreme Being, creator and ruler of universe.’ (Collins Gem Dictionary 1997). About 2 billion Christians, 2 billion Muslims, and around thirteen… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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