Category: "Jesus"

About the best question of all. Thank you so much. Because Adam and Eve ‘messed up’ they were expelled from God’s presence. “God’s eye cannot look upon evil.” (Habakkuk 1:13). There can be no sin in heaven. So how can God get us back into heaven s… more »
Well, He certainly had a bundle of magical powers! HE can do anything! As a gentleman, I have to say I like the way He made girls and ladies. They’re lovely. No unclean thoughts there, mind you. Nobody really can tell just how God works but there is… more »
Yes, without doubt, He does, and I thank you for asking it. I had not thought about it in 75 years. (Makes you smarter than me!) In 1969 I got baptised and a voice said: “You’ll be working with children.” Nobody else heard it. I had never worked with… more »
The Studnet's full question was actually: Q68:  "I think heaven and hell aren’t real. Is there any solid proof that the two exist? Is it just something made up so they wouldn’t be afraid of death? How do they know the Bible wasn’t just made up and pass… more »
Thank you for a great question, and it is a good one. We have the Bible because it is God’s ‘Workshop Manual’ for humans. (I have a Workshop Manual for my 40 year old car. My car and I are good friends and have been so for 23 years.) For about 1,400 y… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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