Category: "Jesus"

The full question had two parts, one public and one private! Q70:  Does God approve of sex? And: Have you ever had sex?  “Yes” to both questions. Me first: I am a dad, a grandad and a great grandad, so yes I have had sex. God and sex: God is a ‘Su… more »
Sorry but this one cannot be a short answer either. The full question was rather long: Q72:  Have you (Mr Harris) always been a Christian? If not when did you start believing? And WHY?" And: How did you change from suicidal to normal? Also it seemed… more »
Big question indeed. Jesus spoke of them pretty often and His words can be relied on. Everyone thinks of it sometimes. When ‘in extremis’ (very difficult, or near fatal state) everyone thinks of God and mostly pray or curse God. I have heard that soldi… more »
Thank you for a lovely question. Yes he can. His ‘Workshop Manual’ = The Bible gives us all the directions and guidance. It assures us that God will guide us all the way; right to the end which is heaven. We make the decision to accept Jesus and the… more »
God, His Father, planned for Jesus to be here on earth only for a short while. Why? Well, Jesus home is in heaven and He had to leave us because His time was up. The church (12 disciples) had to learn to do without their leader. Jesus said: “I will… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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