Category: "Life"


Q20: Why is there a God?

This is a hard one to pin down. All, civilisations have some sort of god. The Egyptians have left a huge reminder that there is an afterlife and someone there. They called the sun the God ?Ra?. Mayan Indians and the Inca?s knew there was ?something? up… more »


Q22: Why are we so mean?

Wow. How honest you are. I phoned King Solomon about this (he was the wisest man who ever lived) but his phone was constantly engaged. The answer is not easy. We are all of us come from different families and backgrounds so are all different.   One: S… more »
Thanks for the question. This writer’s four year old son died of cancer and nobody could tell me why. This is much like question 2,3 and 7. There is no specific answer that I can give. I have to say that many of our modern sicknesses are self inflicte… more »
This is a question we all ask. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Part of The Lord’s prayer as it has become says; “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Read it slowly and digest every word. “Thy (God’s) king… more »
The Bible simply does not to tell us such things so there is no easy answer. I believe that this beautiful world ? trees, flowers, animals, birds, butterflies and cuddly animals and of course pretty girls (I am a gent, so I like girls). All these… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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