Category: "Life"

I have asked this one myself, as have millions of ordinary folk. There is no simple answer. Sorry about that, but is a very common, very complex (hard to understand and explain) question. I broke my back on the tenth anniversary of the birth of my… more »
Those questions cover a host of very awkward questions that cannot be easily answered. Why? Well, the whole truth only comes out many years later! I can assure you that by the time you get to 50 years old many untold facts probably will have been told a… more »
It plainly depends on the choices you make with what comes your way. Some choose to moan and protest that life has been hard so ‘I will sit down and cry’. Others will see a problem that is really not a problem and make it their business to tell everybod… more »
It will all be revealed in heaven! Why is life so hard? Further back is a question “Why are we so mean?” (Q22). I cannot here give an answer that is accurate and true. I have not met you and looked into your eyes and checked your health. Please re… more »
Well the whole world will not ‘disappear’ as you say. Jesus said it would be : "...the end of the age.” Not the world. What will happen is that the earth will be cleaned up, I think by fire, and all evil will be removed and replaced by God’s n… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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