Category: "Life"

Yes, without doubt, He does, and I thank you for asking it. I had not thought about it in 75 years. (Makes you smarter than me!) In 1969 I got baptised and a voice said: “You’ll be working with children.” Nobody else heard it. I had never worked with… more »
I have to assume that you mean what happens to my soul or spirit. With your body, your heart stops beating and when the brain gets no blood, all movement stops and your body cools and a doctor says that you are dead and fills out an official form sayin… more »
Thank you for a lovely question. Maybe it is the only way for God to teach us to show compassion. Basically we are born selfish. Babies and young kids yell to get what they want – and get it too! Later we all learn that there are things we cannot be se… more »
God has put that matter into our hands by my much-mentioned word ‘choice’. We can make things that are good or make things that are bad. Same for our behaviour. Sadly, many go for money and forget about God. more »
Thank you for a lovely question. Yes he can. His ‘Workshop Manual’ = The Bible gives us all the directions and guidance. It assures us that God will guide us all the way; right to the end which is heaven. We make the decision to accept Jesus and the… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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