Category: "Nature"

Did God make the dinosaurs? Yes, I believe he did…and some of their footprints are up around Broome, in my state of Western Australia too. Last month, September 2011, a group of American scientists were up there to check their footprints out…as a hu… more »
Because, I believe, God created this ’Blue Planet’ so that it is liveable to humans. We have a perfect mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and neon, argon, crypton and zenon gases. Water evaporates and rain works to put moisture in the air as w… more »
Q143: How come some people are brown and white? They are born that way because their Mum and Dad had brown or white skin. They inherit all the traits of their parents – skin colour, hair, shape, height and so on. more »
The exact question was: Q144: What will happen if the earth has been Died so where can we go? ’I thank you for a first class question.’ Why do I thank you? Well, within your lifetime, say by 2025, ’we earthlings’, must change our ways dramatically o… more »
Q145: Who is Mother Nature? Is she God? Ripper of a question! Thank you, it is a beauty. I had never really given it much thought myself, so I’ll ask a few friends too. ’Mother nature’ is a very good friend to us all. She tells us to put on a jumper… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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