Category: "Poor people"

“When God has had enough of our stupidity!” (my opinion) The disciples asked Jesus this and He said: “The angels in heaven don’t know and I don’t know, only my Father in heaven knows.” Jesus said a lot about in Matthew chapter 24. Note: Jesus called i… more »
Q101: Why do people take drugs? A most important question – huge to answer, nearly too huge for me as I know very little about drugs, so I shall have to ask for help to answer this one. I refer to illegal drugs here and, of course, ’grog’ (alcohol). It… more »


Q122: Why do we steal?

Why do we steal? Because we want something badly and have no money. In 1750, or around that time, in ’Merry England’ (that’s what it was called when I was in school) where rich folk lived well and poor folk starved, a man might steal a loaf of bread… more »
Q141: Why are people angry? Why people turn bad? ’Help!’ that’s a huge question! I could fill many pages with my beliefs, but others would be different or write whole books about it. Some human hearts get hungry for money and power to rule over peopl… more »
The exact question was: Q144: What will happen if the earth has been Died so where can we go? ’I thank you for a first class question.’ Why do I thank you? Well, within your lifetime, say by 2025, ’we earthlings’, must change our ways dramatically o… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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