
Q134: How come God doesn’t talk to us like we pray to him.

Oh boy, this one is not easy to answer by anyone.

One could expect answers at least sometimes but I have heard of some immediate, spoken answers to immediate, urgent needs.

God talked to Moses, Elijah, Jonah and some other Bible notables in the early Bible days. But there is more – read on.

God has His angels, or messengers who do speak out loud…but NOT how we might expect. Try A Mighty Tempest. This book is a truly amazing story by Michelle Hamilton and her Mother. One was a new Christian, the daughter a non-Christian. Michelle, the daughter was lost in shark and pirate infested waters of the South China Sea for two nights and three days. A ’voice’ spoke loudly and firmly to keep Michelle alive ten or more times!!…sharks and all!! A truly amazing story…but God had a purpose.

Or try Michelle Hamilton’s www.jonahministries.com I have heard Michelle tell her story personally three times in Perth. And have her first book. A genuine story that cannot be denied as a miraculous intervention by a God of love. Michelle is the only human to have a question answered…from above! Yes indeed. The WWW site has a series of videos of her experience, and Michelle is just simply a beautiful young woman. There is a series of short videos of Michelle telling of her amazing story. She has long, thick blond hair – her rescuers thought she was a true ’Americano Mermaid’.

With people I know, and have known, or been told about, answers and miracles have happened and many prayers have been answered by actions of other people – obviously instructed to act by God or his ’ministering spirits’ (angels). See the two miracles at Q100b: Mr Roberts coming back to life from the morgue, and Mrs Effie Duke and her miracle baby, Deborah. Others have had a loaf of bread left at the front door when they’ve had nothing to eat in the house. That situation of no food did happen in Western Australia. In the ’Great Depression’ (1929 to 1939) many in Australia, the USA and other countries were close to starving quite often. That can be hard to believe in 2011 but it did happen. But somehow – not to all of them.

God directs praying people in many ways like a silent voice in your head – but beware of Satan’s deceptive ways. It gets easier to understand as Christians get older and learn more about God. AND, make sure that any idea you might get conforms to what the Bible says.

The Bible has lots of stories to illustrate this. A bit of wisdom. King Solomon wrote: ’Having a lazy person on the job is like a mouth full of vinegar or smoke in your eyes. If you respect the Lord you will live longer; if you keep doing wrong, your life will be cut short. If you obey the Lord, you will be happy, but there is no future for the wicked.’ (Proverbs chapter 10 verses 26-28).

Well done Solomon…we must all do our bit and work too.

King Solomon is the wisest person to have ever lived: handy that he wrote many of his wise thoughts down for us to gain benefit from: Consider reading just one Proverb a day?

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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