
Q70: Does God approve of sex?

The full question had two parts, one public and one private!

Q70:  Does God approve of sex?
And: Have you ever had sex?

 “Yes” to both questions.

Me first: I am a dad, a grandad and a great grandad, so yes I have had sex.

God and sex: God is a ‘Supernatural Being’ and quite unlike us who live on earth so I would say, God does not need or have sex as we do.

If you meant Jesus, He obeyed God’s rules and never married so would not have had sex. Please disregard books that have been written saying he secretly married Mary Magdalene, or that Jesus was homosexual, etc.

People write those books to gain publicity, a name for themselves or just to sell books and make money. Many like to read ‘The latest thing’ on anything that is controversial at the time. They soon fade away.

As for sex, read on.

God made sex especially good and an absolute delight for humans.

Please note: Horses, sheep, lions, leopards, tigers, buffaloes, eagles and cheetahs, to name a few, have sex once a year. For the rest of the year they forget about it. Humans can have sex every day if they want to and this is how God planned it.

But, God planned for humans to wait until marriage before having sex and then to stay faithful and only have sex with their wife or husband. We humans are an impatient lot and we think we know what is good for us, so some have sex with many people and play around and they 'reap a harvest' of trouble. That is so sadly true in many lives. There are many sexually transmitted diseases and some of them make you sterile (can’t have babies).

Sex with the right person is utterly lovely, delightful

and makes one feel really good and satisfied.

The horrible side is shameful, degrading, humiliating and painful and sometimes fatal. It is called Rape! A large powerful male (not a real man) can force a girl to have sex with him against her will just because he is stronger. A pure and lovely girl is often mentally ruined for life and likely can never feel ‘normal’ again. The shame is painful and cannot easily be ‘forgotten’ and some victims even commit suicide.

If this has happened to you - don't commit suicide.

God CAN help you! I can pray for you too.

What a weird lot we humans can be: We can make something bad out of something good!

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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