Yes, the Bible is very true though many would not agree.

Check out some of the other questions. It is a world’s bestseller and 4,000 years old.

As for signs, we do not get many clearly obvious ones today, some do. Why?

Well we know so much about what God did on many occasions in the old and the new testaments. These examples tell us much about how God works. We also have books called Bible Commentaries. They explain many things that puzzle some people and enlarge the verse so we can get the full meaning.

I have to think you mean ‘like no one else’.

Well I think God has done a pretty good job of making 6,500,000 000 people who are all different and you are unique in being what you are. Nobody looks exactly the same, eye patterns, fingerprints and DNA set you apart from all others.

I like that.

Try to imagine a world where ten people in a hundred were identical. Fancy knowing that you knew a person exactly like you who might live in Russia or even down the road. Scary indeed!

I never tire of the beauty of a girl’s face. (I am a gentleman so I like girls) There is no other like her, although ‘like twins’ are very similar.

It sort of confirms to me that God made you, much like your mum and dad yet unique in what you are. And the same for all of us.

Hope I got that right.

Cannot tell you exactly except to say that the world is constantly changing.

The Garden of Eden, or Paradise as God first made it, had the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flowing through it, plus two others. It became Babylon and later Persia.That’s in (Genesis Chapter 2:8-15).Today it is Iraq, Iran and some others.

It is called ‘The Cradle of Civilisation’ today. It has changed a lot!There used to be lions and bears there. David dealt with them (1 Samuel 17:33-37).

From TV footage today it is all limestone hills and sand, or at least no forest and ‘good’ land.

In Western Australia where I live the ‘bush’ went for over a thousand kilometres in good country. Millions of trees and shrubs, and the world’s largest number and diversity of flowers. Now it is mostly wheat, sheep and cattle country.

But 20 to 30 percent of it is now salted up, or very poor soil and in some spots is a desert. We did it!

Many folk are planting trees by the million and other groups are buying up land to restore it with the plants, trees and flowers (with the birds and animals that used to be there). Others are fencing off huge pieces of land to keep out foxes, cats and rabbits and so are helping the original wildlife that used to live there in great diversity and number to hopefully survive. Guess who brought in the foxes, cats and rabbits? We did. Long way to go to restore say 20% of the land so it is more like what it was originally.

Some people like exploring Antarctica – I don’t.

Some want to climb Mt Everest – I don’t.

Some like to challenge themselves to run across the Simpson or Sahara Desert – I don’t. Very hard on the body! And my wheelchair would get bogged!

I would not like to live in tropical areas, too hot and muggy. I like where I am.

Hope that made at least some sense.

Q92:  Do you have to be christened to get to heaven? I am not christened and sometimes I get scared that when I die I wont be admitted to heaven.

The full question is quoted above.

 When Jesus raised Lazarus to life from the tomb. (Jesus deliberately delayed his help for several days and came after he had been buried) and He said to Lazarus' sister Martha: “I am the one who raises the dead and gives them life...”

Do please, read The Gospel of John chapter eleven. This chapter tell us much in the bringing of Lazarus back to life, the Bible’s shortest verse: “Jesus wept.” and how Caiaphas, one of the Priests resolved that Jesus must die.

Some churches insist that people must be ‘Christened’ or be ‘dedicated’ to God. Others do not.

A.B. (The Banjo) Patterson wrote an Australian classic poem called ‘A Bush Christening’. In it, an eleven year old boy who lived on a farm miles from any church was christened. By listening to the adults (through the keyhole) thought he was going to be branded like an animal by a visiting priest! Ouch! He took off!

All very humorous. I recite it and people ask for it often.

I believe that as Jesus says in John 11: “…anyone who believes in me, even though he dies shall live again.” (John 11:25)

If you believe, that is only the first step.

Jesus would want all believers to read the Bible and learn more about Him.


Q93: Why did God die?

Thank you for a good question.

It can be confusing for kids; understanding all that happened.

God did not die, his only begotten Son died. (John 3:16)

When Adam and Eve ‘messed up’ and believed Satan they broke God’s strict instructions, they were both expelled from God’s Garden of Eden (Genesis Chapter 3). That left God without His created people with Him in Heaven. God wanted ‘His’ family back with him, so He created a ‘Rescue Package’ to get His people back in heaven.

He had His own son come to earth and show how and who God really is (miracles and healings, etc.) and then Jesus gave His own life as a sacrifice to pay for all our sins.

We could not be good enough by ourselves.

God remained in His kingdom of heaven while this happened.

He raised his Son, Jesus, from a tomb, back to life to show that He had the power to do it.

God did not die – Jesus His only Son did, but was raised to life again.

Now, both of them are in heaven and ‘The Holy Spirit’ and God’s angels are God’s representatives (servants) here on earth.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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