Category: "Uncategorized"

Well now what a question! Again – this could take a book to answer but I’ll keep it short. I must ask do you mean, the body, or the face? The face, the eyes, the mouth and your expression usually show to the world how you feel and what you ‘stand for’.… more »
No, he did not as far as I know. Abraham was chosen to begin the Hebrew (Jewish) religion, and Jesus Christ, a Jew himself, began Christianity. Ishmail, Abraham’s son by his servant girl Hagar, went off to Egypt and married a girl there. God said to… more »
For many reasons. For a huge variety of reasons and in a huge variety of ways. The worst are poachers in Africa who kill rhinoceroses just to cut off their horns to collect big money, like $10,000 a kilo from buyers who believe that ground up rhino horn… more »
Sorry, I don’t know. Maybe he was planning it all. Like The Milky Way galaxy and the universe. Now that was a big planning job! Do you agree? Or maybe God was planning The Big Bang?! Or maybe planning who and how planet earth could be ‘home’ for his… more »
You seem as though you think you haven’t any talent and maybe wonder why. Well this writer (The Answerer) did not have much until he got to around 50 or 60 years old. Or, maybe you are thinking that someone else who has too much, or too little. I… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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