Category: "Death"

Truth is God did not make them. We did. ‘We’ also made drugs, land mines, adultery (having sex with someone you shouldn’t) and all the things that evil minds can invent. When somebody feels bad, it is often God they blame - because it a normal thought… more »
Q92:  Do you have to be christened to get to heaven? I am not christened and sometimes I get scared that when I die I wont be admitted to heaven.  When Jesus raised Lazarus to life from the tomb. (Jesus deliberately delayed his help for several days… more »


Q93: Why did God die?

Thank you for a good question. It can be confusing for kids; understanding all that happened. God did not die, his only begotten Son died. (John 3:16) When Adam and Eve ‘messed up’ and believed Satan they broke God’s strict instructions, they were bo… more »
Good question thank you, as there is some confusion about this subject. The Romans, under their Emperor called ‘Caesar’ ruled most of the known world when Jesus came to earth. They made everyone pay taxes to Caesar and that hurt. They were mostly clev… more »
Oh boy! That’s some question indeed. I do not know but I’ll try do dig up some pointers. First, people (us) are not judges of such difficult things and any person who claims to give you a sure answer, ignore it. It is a job for God only. Myself: afte… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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