Category: "God"

No, not God himself, His ‘Only begot-ton Son’ (Jesus) came to represent Him for three years. ‘Only begotton’ means very special and Jesus was it. Jesus said: “I and the Father are one.” And, “I only speak what my Father tells me to say.” And, “If you… more »
“So God could have a family.” That answer was given to me by an Aboriginal girl in year seven and is 100% correct! Some of that family would choose to follow him, and some would not. We had to have somewhere to live so he made the world and I guess for… more »
Mostly because that’s how their parents taught them. Until we are older we do not think if ‘my Religion’ is right for me, and stands up to close examination. Later on, some of us – the thinkers, get to examine in our mind if is it a true way of seeing… more »
Yes the Bible says so in the Old Testament...but you will never see him – it is close to impossible. God was saying this to Moses, sort of in the beginning when Moses was alive and was talking to God and receiving His laws, instructions and rules of… more »
I believe that there is only one true God: the God of the Bible, maker of heaven and earth, and people. I am glad you wrote ‘since He is everywhere’. He truly is everywhere. All the idols, and the 30,000 Indian, and other gods are made of stone, wood,… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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