Category: "God"

I know the answer is 'Yes'. When I was younger and thought I knew everything. I was going to my car to drive to my church where there was to be a 'World Day of Prayer.' All churches in my area were to have a meeting of interested persons to pray for… more »
You could expect Him to answer now and then, because that's how children are. People do hear His, or His messenger's voice now and then, but mostly in extreme circumstances. I know of a girl, 22yo. had God speak to her ten or twenty times: I am g… more »
All people who can think have a need to worship something. Every race of people has their idea, or system of worship. They know there is something up there or out there. With no god to see or touch they make one and the people endow it with godlike p… more »
Yes, He is the creator of humans all right. I believe that when a newly married couple have their first baby, it is a beautiful miracle. He/she is 50% mum and 50% dad and to them – the most beautiful baby in the whole world. Come back in twenty years… more »
Yes, God did, in the beginning, create everything that was good. However, when Adam and Eve’s children grew up there was a murder. Yes! Sad to say, out of jealousy Cain murdered his brother Abel. God warned Cain that: “...sin is crouching at your doo… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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