Category: "Jesus"

Good question. It seems that Jesus did leave them alone for a while because the Bible records that they were all afraid and gathered together in an upstairs room after his death. Then – what a surprise – He came through the wall and said, “Hullo.” (John… more »
Because He is real. If Jesus and his Father, God, were not a reality, the Bible would be just another history book and quietly forgotten. In the 2013 years since Jesus was here believers have steadily increased from 13 to about 2,000,000,000. ‘What is… more »
This is one I cannot tell you the details of and neither can anybody else. I guess God simply spoke and it happened. It is just so unusual and, well, nobody has ever done it before and it did happen just as Jesus had said it would. That itself is mighty… more »
Because it is the unique nature of God to have the willingness, and the power, to forgive the sin of anyone who is genuinely sorry. It is the very nature of God to forgive if the sinner is truly sorry (mercy is His very nature). Jesus died a horrible… more »
Please see Q. 72 for some of the answer as this is really my life story, which is now 82 years on. It must be a huge answer because so much has happened to me and I must put in a small space. Your eternity depends depend on my answer: “Is this guy for… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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