Good question. It seems that Jesus did leave them alone for a while because the Bible records that they were all afraid and gathered together in an upstairs room after his death. Then – what a surprise – He came through the wall and said, “Hullo.” (John 20:19-30)
Only God knows tomorrow and knew that He would “...rise to life again on the third day,” (Easter Sunday) and that the 12 disciples would later understand that Jesus rising to life on the third day, as he had predicted, was the beginning of the Christian church. The 12 disciples were soon after given the Holy Spirit from God and could also ‘…heal the sick’ and do miracles as Jesus had done.
Those 12 disciples began the Christian church 2,000 years ago and today there are 2,000,000,000 Christians. Not bad for a handful of fishermen, tax collectors and sundry other ordinary men.