Because He is real. If Jesus and his Father, God, were not a reality, the Bible would be just another history book and quietly forgotten. In the 2013 years since Jesus was here believers have steadily increased from 13 to about 2,000,000,000. ‘What is the basis of this religion?’ LOVE! Check out the other religions of this world and see if there is any difference…and what difference can be seen in that society. Better, or worse? In Christianity, eternal life, forgiveness and peace of heart and mind is a free gift. It cannot be bought, earned, or worked for. It is free. Later the receiver WANTS to give God something…and working for God good and plentiful.
There are other religions but not one of them foretells the future that actually comes to pass. Only Jesus said: “I will be handed over to sinful men, be killed and will rise to life again on the third day.” (Matthew Chapter 20: verse 17 to 19) Nobody in all history has said anything like that and had it happen. Neither do those other religions give assured forgiveness of sins and an assured place in heaven.
There are around 300 prophecies about Jesus and most of them have been faithfully fulfilled. The ‘end of the age’ and the ‘second coming of Jesus’ are yet to come. A world dictator (Antichrist) is also yet to come. Many believe that world dictator is not far away. Why? “What do you mean?”
Well this world once had about 1,000,000 people in it. In my Mum’s day there were about 4,000,000,000 but now in my day there are 7,000,000,000 people. Troubles are in store when we get to 10,000,000,000 people. Lots of troubles. All will want food, water, space to live, and fresh air to breathe. All those four things are getting scarcer. Wars will happen…as they have before. These four things will cause trouble and the Bible prophecy mentions them as: “...troubles which the world has never seen before…many will die.” (Matthew chapter 24) Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but I believe it to be true. The Bible prophecy has never been wrong. Jesus promised: “…a new heaven and new earth.” (restored earth)