
Q.246: “How did God create the world?”

I only know a bit about this – the Bible says He just spoke, and it happened.

That is unbelievable to our small, but earthly mind and imagination. I cannot understand how it happened. 

The disciple Peter wrote that: “A day in the Lord’s sight is like a thousand years – and a thousand years is but a day to Him.”  There is no doubt that things like dinosaurs and sea creatures were alive thousands of years ago. 

Maybe the earth was not spinning then to give us night and day, and orbiting the sun each year and tilting to give us summer, autumn, winter and spring. And 150 million kilometres from the sun is ‘just right’ – not too close and not too far, but just right for life. Also with the 18 km of atmosphere to breathe as well. Beautiful, but ‘How’ I know not.

I saw recently on TV that at one stage in the last 300,000 years, maybe more, the earth was totally covered with ice – top to bottom. Maybe (who can tell?) earth was much further away from the heat of the sun, and at God’s plan He brought it closer to the sun which at this moment is just perfect and the source of all our power. A thought: If we (our earth) was 1% closer to the sun – that’s 900,000 km closer – we would cook in summer, and maybe not even survive at the poles?

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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