
Q.247: ”How did God create us?”

Wow! A great question and I do not really know how God did it. But when closely examined like through a microscope: “We are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Look up ‘spirit’ in a dictionary or the WWW. Our bodies are tripartite (three parts): body, soul and spirit. Not like animals.

I figure God must have spent some time working out the wonderful and beautiful bodies we have. The way our bodies repair damage like cuts, bruises, invasion by various ‘bugs’ – good and bad. And with help from the (as yet fully explained) brain that we have. Broken bones and awful accident and injury problems can be helped very much. How? Because, unlike animals, humans can imagine, plan, make tools and surgical instruments and learn how to restore badly damaged bodies. 

(When you are in your doctor’s surgery next time – if there is time – ask the doctor to explain to you the tiny and intricate workings of the human ear and eyes. Most doctors have beautifully coloured and illustrated posters of eyes and ears. They change light waves and sound waves into electrical signals that send them to your brain and you SEE and HEAR!). Not half bad!! And our brain can dream, create and plan things like music, buildings, bridges and beautiful gardens, and families!

And we are different to animals; we can imagine how to get iron, gold, silver, copper lead ,diamonds etc., etc. out of the ground, and then imagine a musical and surgical instruments instrument made from metal, to make music, and then sing songs helped along by music. The special tools that surgeons have are quite remarkable. No animal does anything like that. Nor does any other creature gather a hundred or more musical instruments into an orchestra to make beautiful music. I got carried away there…I love large orchestras and ‘Grand’ music. Makes me feel very good!

So how God created us I cannot tell you. But I do know He did a truly incredible job of it. And I am so pleased that God included a sense of humour. I’d go mad without a good laugh each day.

Here is a joke: “What did the necklace say to the hat?” You go on ahead, and I’ll hang around.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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