
Q132: What does heaven look like?

Q132: What does heaven look like?


Q133: Is everyone’s heaven the same? or is heaven whatever you want it to be?

I can only imagine what you think it might be like. You would be different to me.

We can all imagine our favourite things: lots of free ice-cream (except one!! A town in the USA celebrates a ’Garlic Week’ – and garlic ice-cream is on their menu! Phew – not for me!), no school or homework, chocolate ’goodies’ everywhere and millions of flowers, birds and butterflies. (I would choose a walk through an unspoilt forest, on a neat boardwalk with lots of birds, especially hummingbirds, butterflies and flowers. (No biting ants or spiders please.)

Jesus told his disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them and would later come and get them to be with Him for ever. That promise was not for just 12 disciples…it includes all believers. Should be pretty good if Jesus prepares it. We all, I am sure, change our idea of what we would like heaven to be like as we all grow older and desire different things. Our ideas will change.

The disciple John, the only Disciple to survive to old age, had a vision of heaven. He heard a loud voice say: ’He (God) will wipe all tears from their eyes and there will be no more death, suffering, crying or pain. These things of the past are gone forever.’ (Revelation chapter 21 verse 2). Sounds good, especially if you have suffered a lot.

To me, God’s heaven is a ’cool’ place to spend the next 10,000 or so years.

Please note: Our place in heaven is a choice to believe in Jesus and the Bible and daily follow Him as best we can, or to ignore Jesus, the Bible and stay away from heaven. It’s our choice. There will be no evil there.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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