
Q150: Will God ever appear again?

No, but Jesus said that He would. God did come and talk face-to-face with Moses a very long time ago and instructed Moses in all that he wanted the people to know – He will not do that again. Maybe you meant Jesus? So just in case you did I’ll explain.

God’s Son, Jesus, has appeared once and has promised to appear again ’…in power and great glory.’ That will be ’The Second Coming’ and that coming will bring in a ’new heaven and new earth.’ That’s written in Matthew chapter 24 verses 30 to 31.

Jesus said it so be assured it will happen. It will be a fearful and very terrifying time...or an exciting time for believers who follow Jesus (could happen anytime).

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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