
Q156: How was the earth made?’ (the same question from two people)

God just spoke and it happened! That is basically what the Bible says in Genesis chapter one – first book, first page, and the first words. It’s a simple answer for me to give – easy.

Millions of people have, still do, and always will argue and discuss just how it did happen and who did it. Nobody was there but God, Jesus, and His angels to see it happen.

I know the last bit is true because after the creation of the world was complete God said: ’Let us make man in our image and likeness.’ God said ’us’ so He must have had others with him. No voice answered or questioned that God should not make a man. A bit of humour: a ’Wag’ once said: ’God made man first because he did not want a woman looking over his shoulder telling Him how to make a man’. (Meaning women can have a lot to say). Another ’Wag’ said: ’God made man, looked at him and said: ’I can do better than that,’ so He made a woman. Do you agree gentlemen? I do and I love a laugh.

To your answer: Put three Christians (or Jews) together and you’ll get four different answers as to WHO, WHEN and HOW it was put all together, or how it all came together.

This I know and believe in my heart: God made it all, He causes the earth to turn once a day, to tilt and give us summer, autumn, winter and spring and to travel in its orbit, around the sun every year and somehow the 400 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy hold their place and to not crash into each other. Not a bad effort eh? And this galaxy is only one of millions, (or is it billions), of galaxies yet to be discovered.

Think on this fact: If you could fly at 150,000 miles an hour and can get fuel on the way without stopping and have lots, I mean really lots of chocolate bars, it would take 670 million years to fly across the Milky Way from end to end. That’s in my Readers Digest Atlas from 1960. Sort of incredible eh?

The earth is also a massive web of life supporting billions of creatures with their food, and somewhere to live, and to have babies too. I love the singing birds, butterflies, flowers and all beautiful things and ‘yes,’ this poem by AB (Banjo) Patterson who wrote in his classic Australian poem Clancy of The Overflow: ‘And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended, and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars.’ That’s true beauty.

I just cannot believe it all came to be all by itself, or by evolution from a creature in a swamp billions of years ago. To me, that theory just does not add up or make common sense.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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