
Q161: How does God look at you when he is not a person?

Great question and I cannot fully answer it. I know that He sees everything because He is omnipresent (everywhere at once).There are quite a few Bible verses that mention this.

Remember, God is not bound by human limits like we are so He does not get tired of watching. Jesus said: ‘God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.’ (John chapter 4 verse 24).

‘God is spirit’ – not a spirit. Spirits can be angels or devils.

Maybe there are 20 billion angels who can slip from heaven to earth instantly and report everything of importance to God.

The book of Job tells of some of those angels: ‘One day when the angels had gathered around the Lord, and Satan was there with them, the Lord asked, “Satan, where have you been?” Satan replied, “I’ve been going all over the earth.”’ (Job chapter 1 verses 6 and 7).

It would take a whole book to tell of all the times in the Bible when it says: ‘…and God looked and saw that…’ such and such a thing was happening. Like Jacob’s 12 sons and their families (now grown to around 2 million) who were slaves in Egypt. God got them all out after a few lessons to the Pharaoh as to just who was the real ‘Boss’. That’s in Exodus, and in the Movie: The Ten Commandments.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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