
Q189: “Why do we have to die?” and, “Why do bad things happen?” and, “Why does God let children die?”

Most people couple these three questions together (check out some of the other answers), and a sudden death is a bad thing especially for a young person. Joseph’s story in Genesis Ch. 37 to Ch. 50, tells the story of the beginning of the nation of Israel. Poor old Joseph was sold into slavery as a teenager, went to jail for seven years on false rape charges, but finished up being the Governor of all Egypt. (Gen.42:37-43). But God planned it that way!

Joseph suffered much, but eventually realised that God had planned all the bad things that happened and God knew that Joseph – even though suffering a lot, was made of  ‘The right stuff’. God’s hand was in it all and the nation of ‘Israel’ was founded on Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and his 12 sons and Joseph’s persisting in doing right and not fighting God’s plan.

This writer (The Answerer) fell at home and has spent 39 years in a wheelchair. Somehow I went from making things, to being a teacher, and then teaching Scripture for 25 years and a question answerer (like the above 189 questions), with more to come. Somehow for me, God made lemons into lemonade!! Jesus does know what is going to happen tomorrow (see Q65), and He has been known to save little children from death, but not all of them. We humans are given a choice to be good or bad.

Many are bad, but many more are good, and in between bad and good things happen to all people. Experiencing trouble makes many people very compassionate and helpful. Other people seem to make trouble – just to make trouble. Who puts viruses into computers? Bad people. We all have a choice to do good or bad.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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