
Q196: Does God choose what you do?

No, you do, simple as that. God has given us guideline – the greatest being ‘what Jesus did’. This was our example. Some years ago a man wrote a book entitled In His Steps, by Charles Shelton (I think). The book sold in the millions, yes indeed it did. The author decided to put into practice “What would Jesus do.” in all his daily decision making. Well he never went to jail, robbed banks, ‘mugged’ innocent people, insulted anyone and always told the truth. AND,I guess he memorised ‘The Ten Commandments’. Our modern ‘liberated’ world slowly ceased thinking about the idea and it sort of hangs around in the initials WWJD on pencils and rubbers – sold only in Christian shops. Too inconvenient for most, but others often pause to think it through when in a quandary. Others do much of it automatically and others are selfish and do bad things and wonder why they are not satisfied and are unhappy. We are given a choice to do as we want-and in doing that we choose our consequences too, the good, or the not-so-good.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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