
Q210: Is it true if we see God we will die?

Yes the Bible says so in the Old Testament...but you will never see him – it is close to impossible. God was saying this to Moses, sort of in the beginning when Moses was alive and was talking to God and receiving His laws, instructions and rules of behaviour. Moses had them all written down.

Have a read of Exodus Chapter 33 verses 1 to 23. In verse 11 it says: “Inside the tent the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend...” But in verse 20 it says “But you may not see the glory of my face, for a man may not see me and live.” Later God allowed Moses to see His back as he passed by (v 23). Seems confusing – but I refuse to try to fully understand it all – there’s too much other work to do.

That was over 3,000 years ago and as far as I know, nobody has had a chance to see God’s face – except maybe those who have died in an out-of body-experience and later came back to life. So do not worry about it if you are afraid.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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