
Q29: Were the nails like a pinprick, or did they really hurt Jesus?

Be assured - Jesus felt the pain like anybody else.

Apart from the nails He suffered much, much more, but I think you ought to read it yourself to be able to fully understand the price He paid for us. It does not get talked about much these days.

Some Christians do not like to talk about blood, nails, pain, mocking and abuse.

It is all there, written down as a true record.

Only three chapters.

Google: Matthew chapter 26, 27 and 28 in the online Bibles. EG: bible.org

Mel Gibson made his movie about the whole terrible time Jesus had to endure - it is called "The Passion of Christ." Too much cruelty for children to watch ~ so Campus Crusade for Christ made a movie called "The Story of Jesus for Children" which has all the stories from the book of Luke in the Bible.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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