
Q54: When would people have a mind not to hurt other people?

When they get transformed. What? No, I do not mean the model plastic transformers, or the electric power transformers on poles in your street. Not long after Jesus was crucified, buried and transformed back to life by God, a very zealous Jew (a Pharisee) named Saul hated Christians. He had an I.Q. of around 150, very smart and highly educated as well. He was so well connected he got letters from the Temple Priests and made it his job to catch Christians, put ’em in chains and have them sent to Jerusalem for punishment, even death, just for believing in this ‘Jesus’. Paul and his group were on their way to Damascus to find some more when he got a shock and fell to the ground and heard a ‘voice’ sayig, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” Saul: “Who are you Lord?” “I am Jesus who you persecute.” Saul was now blind and was led by his group to Damascus. He spent several days there in meditation (not used to being blind) and God sent a Christian to heal him, but he said: “But he’s a menace to us.” God said “I’ve changed him.” Saul was healed and was transformed into a Christian supporter in place of the persecutor he used to be. Read it all in "Acts 9:1-31." Google it! There were many attempts to kill him but they all failed and Saul, now known as Paul, could not be silenced. That was called, and still is today ‘A Damascus Road experience’. TV and radio commentators use the phrase today to describe a complete turn around of a person’s way of life. Another word is ‘conversion’. It is often not too difficult in Australia to see in people from other lands, a difference when they become true Christians. There is ‘life’ – a true sparkle in their eyes, and all fear is gone. I do not say that lightly. Becoming a true Christian completely changes a person. SO ... your answer? When those people discover that God is real and truly follow the way of Jesus. Maybe then. Maybe only when we are in heaven – because things look bad these days here on earth. Phew! That was long, sorry.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.