
Q66: Judgement Day

These two words were all that the child wrote to me.

Please note that all these questions were written to me and I print them just as I got them with no changes.

Many would like to ignore things like a judgement day and hope there will not be one. Jesus said that there will be one. Jesus spoke very plainly about it because many people wanted to know then.

I have several Bible reference books so I can look up things in the Bible easily. Judgement Day has 160 references to it. LOVE has 760 references to it. That tells you a lot about Jesus. Judgement Day is necessary in God’s plan of things.

Satan will get his ‘come-uppance’ then, and he will not like it one bit.

Children should not worry about it. 20 years old seems to be the Bible’s cut off point between children and grown ups.

There has to be a judgement day. Why? Because God is a God of justice and a ‘fair go’ (as Australians say).

Briefly – Jesus, when He reigns as king on earth, will judge people (the nations): “As a farmer separates sheep from goats.” That’s for shearing so as not to mix wool with goat’s hair. (Matthew 25:31-46). And The Bible is plain on personal judgement. “And just as it is destined that men die only once, and after that comes judgement.” (Hebrews.7:11).

The Apostle Paul wrote: “The day will surely come when at God’s command Jesus Christ will judge the secret lives of everyone, their inmost thoughts and motives.” (Romans.2:16).

We, most of the earth’s population, know very well that our conscience tells us right from wrong. We choose right or wrong. There are some mongrel killers that I will be happy to see front up on Judgement Day to answer for a lot of evil that they did.

AND, special judgement is reserved for those who deliberately hurt or damage children. YES! That is physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and plain neglect of their needs. The worst is for them! (Matthew 18:6).

Fact: Children do not ask to be born.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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