
Q75: Why does God make knives, drugs, land mines and things that kill people?

I have got this question dozens of times and I want to have you think a bit. Your teacher has a one metre wooden ruler and I want you to imagine it sitting on a little block of wood right in the centre of teachers table. Neither end touches the table. It is balanced.

Now imagine a large, very cruel male in a suit standing on one end. The other end is now up in the air. Then someone like Dr. Fiona Wood and Professor Fiona Stanley go and stand together on the high end. Both are highly regarded medical professors in hospitals in Perth. The ruler is balanced. Then a maker of land mines goes and stands next to the large unpleasant male and talks to him about selling ten tonnes of land mines to the arms dealer. Unbalanced again. Then two doctors (the neurosurgeons who separated the brains of the two joined 3 yo girls in that 30 hour operation in 2009) go and stand with the two doctors. The ruler is balanced again. So it is with this world and the six billion people in it. Some care only for themselves and money, others devote their lives to helping and healing others. Why? God has given us, a choice to do good or bad, to be helpful to others or selfish and greedy, grasping for more. It is a choice! God did not make us robots. Please know that the big knives in my kitchen have never hurt anybody (except my finger now and then – Ouch!)

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.