
Q93: Why did God die?

Thank you for a good question.

It can be confusing for kids; understanding all that happened.

God did not die, his only begotten Son died. (John 3:16)

When Adam and Eve ‘messed up’ and believed Satan they broke God’s strict instructions, they were both expelled from God’s Garden of Eden (Genesis Chapter 3). That left God without His created people with Him in Heaven. God wanted ‘His’ family back with him, so He created a ‘Rescue Package’ to get His people back in heaven.

He had His own son come to earth and show how and who God really is (miracles and healings, etc.) and then Jesus gave His own life as a sacrifice to pay for all our sins.

We could not be good enough by ourselves.

God remained in His kingdom of heaven while this happened.

He raised his Son, Jesus, from a tomb, back to life to show that He had the power to do it.

God did not die – Jesus His only Son did, but was raised to life again.

Now, both of them are in heaven and ‘The Holy Spirit’ and God’s angels are God’s representatives (servants) here on earth.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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