Category: "The end of the world"

I like this question because I would like Jesus to come down – now! That would be the ‘Second Coming’ that Jesus talked about a lot. The end of ’The Age’ He called it, and that would bring in the new world that God has planned, and the end of evil in… more »
Wow! you do seem to know about the rapture already and I like that. Jesus will be the one to do it – He said so. God stays in His heaven at all times. And it is all spelt out in the Scripture. I like that too. Why? Well if Jesus says something will… more »
No, not at all! Far, far better! I am looking forward to it. No night, no pain, no crying, no tears or suffering. Why? Jesus said to His 12 disciples, He was going to be killed and then go and prepare a place for them in heaven. He said: “Let not your… more »
Because He is real. If Jesus and his Father, God, were not a reality, the Bible would be just another history book and quietly forgotten. In the 2013 years since Jesus was here believers have steadily increased from 13 to about 2,000,000,000. ‘What is… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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