The full question was:

Q149: If someone kills someone to save themself or others do you go to heaven or hell?

At first reading of this question I would say ’No.’ because I imagine my family being attacked by some madman, or an enemy. You may be thinking of something else.

In this country of Australia we have ’the rule of law’ (based on the Bible) that permits a person to use: ’… reasonable force to defend himself.’ So if somebody is attacking you with an axe or lethal (deadly) weapon you are free to attack him; and if he dies later you are not guilty and as God is a God of justice you will not go to hell. The Bible covers just about everything that humans can get up to.

In the ’Books of Moses’ (Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers) almost every problem that can happen between humans is covered and the penalty for wrong doing is written there. Yes, even stoning to death, repayment for things borrowed and then lost, and so on. It is ’heavy’ reading indeed but unique in how God knows what humans can get up to. It shows God’s clear way to justice – not all nations follow it.

No, but Jesus said that He would. God did come and talk face-to-face with Moses a very long time ago and instructed Moses in all that he wanted the people to know – He will not do that again. Maybe you meant Jesus? So just in case you did I’ll explain.

God’s Son, Jesus, has appeared once and has promised to appear again ’…in power and great glory.’ That will be ’The Second Coming’ and that coming will bring in a ’new heaven and new earth.’ That’s written in Matthew chapter 24 verses 30 to 31.

Jesus said it so be assured it will happen. It will be a fearful and very terrifying time...or an exciting time for believers who follow Jesus (could happen anytime).

No, not as we understand parents. He has just been there forever. The Bible says nothing about God having parents.

Be assured that God is real but as to ’Why do so many people die,’ we humans have a habit of going to war all too often. Since Australia became a nation in 1901, 100,000 Australians have died in wars. We have never started a war – others have done that, we only go to help. Many die from sicknesses caused by our modern lifestyle of wrong food, polluted air, grog, car crashes, drugs, and so on. Many sicknesses causing death have no cure yet! More people in Australia suicide (about four a day) than die in road crashes. Mental illness, and depression causes much of it. Sexual abuse as a child, divorces, bullying at school and at work are some of the causes of mental illness. But it also just happens to some people too. God must be very sad indeed. One of them here in Perth was Rob Reilly. He was an aboriginal boy and was sexually abused in an institution. Mentally (his soul) was damaged and the pain never left him, yet he worked tirelessly for over 20 years, for the benefit of Aboriginal people, putting aside the pain in his heart (his ’Inner pain’). Eventually that pain caused him to take his own life at about forty years old. In the ’West’ newspaper on one day there was a full page of tributes to him in the ’DEATH NOTICES’, and the tributes continued for weeks. A much loved man, yet he suicided, as do four people in Australia every day. Why? I can only guess as I have never had that sort of pain. Hope that helped a bit?

Because Jesus said so! Jesus called Satan some nasty names when he rebuked some religious men who hated Jesus. Jesus said: ‘You belong to your father the devil and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth,for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies.’ John chapter 8 verse 44.

There are dozens of references to Satan, mostly from Jesus. He is evil and is: ’The Prince of this world.’ Jesus broke his power over us when He rose from the grave but Satan and his ’evil angels’ are still active on the earth and doing bad things.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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