Thank you for the interesting question, you have an inquiring mind. But there are several errors in your question and I’ll try to explain them.

Firstly, God is not a ‘person’, a human as we think of a person. Jesus said ‘God is Spirit’ and I cannot comprehend exactly what that means. (‘Spirit’ comes from the Greek word ‘Pnuema’ meaning air. Car tyres are ‘pneumatic’ (filled with air)). God was not born to be the ‘First Person’ on earth as the result of two people having sex and the female getting pregnant. Much, much higher than that. Beyond our understanding.

I believe that God is, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient (is everywhere, all powerful, and can do anything) – superior to everything else on earth because He made it all.

You will “…stand before Him after you die,” so perhaps you could ask Him then just how He came to be.

No, I cannot understand it all but by faith I know it to be true. The Theory of Evolution – that life on earth began zillions of years ago in a swamp, and life started by itself; and monkeys are our ancestors and humans are still evolving. It takes faith in science to believe in evolution. I cannot believe it.

I was quite without hope and I believed God had abandoned me.

I could only see a black empty future as I could only sit down for about 10 to 15 minutes. My bum hurt so much. Toileting was a nightmare.

Recently, in 2012, a former politician in New South Wales tried to suicide. He did not die but survived and said on the TV that he thought that his wife and children would be better off with him out of the way. They could start again with a better man in the house who could be a husband and father to the kids. About the exact thoughts I was having then – back in 1973. God had plans I knew nothing of and He did not tell me of them. BUT, here I am 40 years later, and so glad I came out of those ‘pits of despair’ and meet a lot of great Yr.7 kids since then.

Because God has given us a choice to choose what we are: mean or kind.

Check out the subject list on the Home Page. I have answered this one several times.

[I like your word ‘mean’ because it reminds me of a friend who lives ‘up north’ where man-eating crocodiles are plentiful. He used to love to fish and had a sizeable boat, not a huge one, but he decided sell his boat and give up the fishing as the crocodiles were ‘mean’ in that: “they could come over the side of your boat if it was bad tempered enough.” He told me that he kept a ‘Crocodile Repellent’ in his boat. I asked him just what the ‘repellent’ was, thinking of insect repellent or something like that? “Oh-just a 12-guage shotgun in one barrel and a 45 magnum bullet in the other.” You get two shots!!!

Like Jesus. The disciples asked Jesus the same question. Jesus said: “If you have seen me you have seen the Father.” The difference would be in His ‘Presence’ or ‘Majesty’, Awesome – just because of who God is. Very unlike humans in His ‘Majesty’.

You will stand before Him after you die. The Bible says so in dozens of places. Romans 14:10, and in Hebrews it says “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement.” (Heb; 9:27). As one who believes in God and the Bible I am actually looking forward to that time (but I hope it doesn’t hurt too much as I die).

No, God is not like smoke or a gas and I really cannot explain exactly how He can be everywhere at once. But I do know that somehow a person praying in England at midnight is heard by God, as is a person praying in Argentina at the same time: 7.00 pm. Or someone is Australia when it is 7.00 am in the morning. Somehow, God hears everywhere. I shall find out how He does when I get to heaven. (Sorry, but I can’t write to you from there!!)

There are some things humans cannot, or are not meant to understand.

They can understand jokes. Here is one: “Why do mountain climbers always rope themselves together?” A: “So the sane one cannot turn around and go home.”  (I do not climb mountains!)

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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