No, I would not think so. (I may have used the term in telling the story to you) Prime Minister is a modern term where there is an elected Parliamentary Democracy and a leader is chosen as the No.1 person to lead the party in parliament. That means he is, sort of, the best one they have, so heor she  is put up as that party’s ‘Leader’. 

Pharaoh was pleased with Joseph’s interpretation (revealing and understanding) of his dreams and he said (this is my 1949 Newberry Bible): “And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his servants and Pharaoh said unto his servants  ‘Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the spirit of God is?’ And Pharaoh said unto Joseph ”Forasmuch as God has shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art: Thou shalt be over my house and according to thy word shall all my people be ruled; only in the throne will I be greater than thou.” And Pharaoh said unto Joseph.” See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.” (Gen 41:37-40).

And Pharoah put his cygnet ring on Joseph’s finger as a symbol of his authority, a beautiful golden chain around his neck and beautiful royal robes. Pharaoh also gave Joseph a name: Zaphnath-paaneah,  meaning ‘He has god-like powers.’ No other name except governor is there.

So I hope you like the 1949 Bible (in those days people really loved the Bible and did not mind the style of the translation).

Good insightful question thank you. You will be someone who keeps up with world affairs instead of simply swallowing the shallow ten second ’Grab’ that pretends to be news on the TV each night in Australia today.

Yes, Israel was a country then (split in two – Judah and Israel) when Jesus was here on the earth. (The Jews then, as now, can have very strong beliefs and feelings as how to follow God’s laws and instructions to them.) And since the time of Nebuchadnezzar the Jews have been scattered (disbursed) all around the world (it is called ‘The Diaspora’) for very bad behaviour and ignoring of God’s rules and ways. (See also Question 248 and the 400 silent years.)

One Babylonian King, Artaxerxes,  did allow some Jews to return to the ruined and desolate city of Jerusalem and rebuild the walls. It was only a temporary return. Some Jews had been permitted to remain in Jerusalem to keep farming it and the king thought them not to be a threat to his rule (see Nehemiah Ch 1 and 2). Many returned over 1500 years but most remained where they had dispursed to. In 600 AD Mohammed began the Islamic religion and believed himself to be God’s prophet. He wrote the Koran (Quran) and his followers had a civil war and moved into Jerusalem. Later Christian armies tried to expel the Muslims but could not. After Jesus came the third major force – Christianity, and it became part of Jerusalem. Itwas God’s way of doing things and it stayed that way until 1948.

The Bible has many references to Jerusalem as the ‘Holy city’ or the ‘City of David’.

Spot of History of a ‘Disputed Land’ and Jerusalem.

I am pleased to record that Australian soldiers in 1917, in World War One (WWI), at The Battle of Beersheba, drove the Germans and Turks out of Beersheba in Palestine, with its many water wells, and then marched on into Jerusalem to free it from Muslim occupation. See Wikipedia and the Australian Light Horsemen at The Battle of Beersheba.

Australian ANZAC horsemen showed bravery of a very rare order then. I have a book on that battle. For the very thirsty Aussies and their very thirsty horses, it would seem that the horses could smell the water at the wells of Beersheba from three miles away.

As the Aussies had almost no water, it was literally: ”Do or die” – the Aussies rode three miles across the desert straight into the face of the enemy artillery at full gallop and the enemy just could not believe it was happening. No time to lower the big guns. The Aussies horses were the famous ’Walers’ a very tough and capable horse bred in Australia.

Later, after World War Two (WWII) in 1948 the United Nations, led by Britain, re-established The State of Israel…for the first time in 2,400 years with Jerusalem as its capitol.

A war immediately started as three Muslim nations tried to wipe out the infant nation of Israel. They didn’t.

That land, I believe will forever be a ‘tinder box waiting to explode’ as Jew and Muslim peoples claim it as ‘Ours’.  Iran only last year claimed to want to ‘…wipe Israel off the face of the earth’. Do keep your eyes and ears open in the years to come.

Sorry that was so long but world peace, even ‘World War Three’ I believe, hinges on this part of the world and Jerusalem.

Q.273: “How come Joseph knew who his brothers were but they did not know him?”

There are several reasons but mainly they could never imagine that “The Dreamer” – their little brother whom they sold as a 17 year old into slavery 22 years ago –could ever be in charge of Egypt. And, with the Pharaoh’s cygnet ring on his finger, the gold chain, a good one too, plus his fine clothes, plus Joseph spoke in Egyptian and the chariot of Pharaoh’s ‘Second in Command’ nearby. And to top it all, he is checking up on all visitors who come to buy food. Also 22 years had passed and Joseph was now a fully grown man with unusual authority.

God too was there. I suspect that Joseph would be expecting them, knowing that the drought was in the land of Canaan where his family lived and they too would be starving.

But finally, Joseph the ‘loud mouth kid who could not keep his mouth shut’ had grown up. God was with him and the experience with Potiphars’ wife, time in jail, the Pharaoh’s dreams, then he is governor of Egypt and overseer of storing grain for seven years. His mind had matured into a very smart ‘cookie’. He understood people management - his brothers remained simple shepherds.

This question was asked by two students.

God did it for him. On every occasion Joseph said: “Do not interpretations belong to God, tell me your dreams?” This was to the Pharaoh’s butler and the baker in the jail.

They both did tell Joseph their dreams and instantly Joseph knew the meaning. And he was 100% right.  I know not how but God put the answer into Joseph’s mind instantly but He surely did. The same thing happened for the Pharaoh’s two dreams.

Years ago, I was at a business seminar and there was a raffle. I forget the prize but the MC (person in charge) began reading out the contest results etc. I knew instantly that I was going to get the prize. I did. I was so sure I almost began walking out to get it before he gave out my name.

God’s ways just cannot be known to us but HE surely knows what is going to happen in the immediate future and the distant future.

“Wow! Phew, I can feel a book coming on – about 35 chapters too!!” Thanks for the insightful question. 

Not an easy question to answer – I can but try.

Well for starters please ask Mr.Google to call Mr Louis Armstrong to the stage to sing: “What a Wonderful World.” Listen to it well.

From his song we think of life, looking, laughter, and love. Also there is the ‘other side of the coin’ person: Me, mine, and myself.  The foolish selfish person.

Perhaps you meant “Why did God make our bodies like they are?”

If that is what you meant then He did a truly marvellous job of it. Our bodies are truly quite amazing creations – as is the attraction boys have for a girl and a girl has for a boy. But I believe the ‘God’ part in us is mainly the spiritual section. We are different to animals in what we can do – some beautiful and fantastic – as well as horrible and cruel. He gave us a choice!!

Sometime soon, go outside to a park, a garden, natural bush and look at the trees, the flowers, the lawn, and all such things that are a pleasure to look upon. What you cannot see is many insects, microbes, and tiny creatures living in and around the trees and garden. Some bad for us but many good; and some you cannot see without a microscope. All are a part of the whole ‘Web of Life’.  I believe God made us to enjoy it all.

The green leaves take in carbon dioxide and water, and by the light of the sun turn them into wood, flowers, fruit, vegetables and so on.

A bit marvellous Eh? And we are just the right distance from the sun so as not to be too hot or too cold. And if you feel cold you put on warm clothes, and when too hot and you take off some clothes. Who told you to?

It happens automatically because God built in automatic things to keep us well. Even a little child will say: ”I’m too hot,”or “I’m too cold.”

I believe God made for us a beautiful world filled with birds, animals, food, rain, sunlight, winter and summer and much, much more. This is for us to see, to understand, enjoy and preserve. I would hate to live in a land where the weather is always the same with no four seasons

While still on why God made us, do not forget to – on a clear night – look up. Gaze at the moon, then, on a clear night study the 400,000,000,000 stars in the Milky way. Put there by a ‘Big bang’ ?? I cannot believe that is true. (In some places ‘WE’ have so polluted the air that the stars cannot be seen.)

Then observe somewhere if you can the sheer joy, the love and pride of a new mum and dad with their first child – a new life – 50% Mum and 50% Dad. What a joyful miracle. And the joy of watching that child take his first steps, then school, work, a wife and family – with Grandkids for the proud Grandparents.

The bad things: God also made us able to choose to do right or do wrong. We choose what we will be as we grow up. 

Some deliberately choose to put themselves at position number one…and live their life seeking good things for themselves first.

Sadly, in Australia recently, there is a Royal Commission of inquiry as to the sexual abuse of children – by churches and church institutions. Too often at home too, kids can be sexually abused by a family member or relative.

This can permanently damage a child’s happiness for all their life. Jesus spoke of a special punishment for child abusers and I feel good about that. Children cannot protect themselves but the severest punishment awaits the abuser (see Matthew 18:6).

In heaven Jesus will have around Himself all those who choose to believe in Him and follow His ways. That is the ultimate choice and maybe that is why God made us the way he did.

Hope you liked that Jessica.

Ps: A little thought occasionally comes to my mind that maybe God should have added a ‘Keep Australia Beautiful’ gene to the 2,000,000,000 gene pairs that make up a new human baby. But I suppose He would respond: ”I did give you all a ‘common sense gene pairs’...parents must develop it in their children.” ‘Nuff said:  I despise litterers!

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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