Yes the Bible says so in the Old Testament...but you will never see him – it is close to impossible. God was saying this to Moses, sort of in the beginning when Moses was alive and was talking to God and receiving His laws, instructions and rules of behaviour. Moses had them all written down.
Have a read of Exodus Chapter 33 verses 1 to 23. In verse 11 it says: “Inside the tent the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend...” But in verse 20 it says “But you may not see the glory of my face, for a man may not see me and live.” Later God allowed Moses to see His back as he passed by (v 23). Seems confusing – but I refuse to try to fully understand it all – there’s too much other work to do.
That was over 3,000 years ago and as far as I know, nobody has had a chance to see God’s face – except maybe those who have died in an out-of body-experience and later came back to life. So do not worry about it if you are afraid.
I believe that there is only one true God: the God of the Bible, maker of heaven and earth, and people.
I am glad you wrote ‘since He is everywhere’. He truly is everywhere. All the idols, and the 30,000 Indian, and other gods are made of stone, wood, gold and so on, but they are man’s creations and cannot talk or help as the true God can.
This God of the Bible can be everywhere because He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent (look those up in a good dictionary). This God has countless angels to carry out his will too, if He chooses to.
In the Old Testament before Jesus (BC), it is recorded that God killed many people. Mostly it was an enemy army attacking God’s people (2 Chronicles 20 verses 1 to 30). God caused three great armies to attack each other until not one soldier was vertical, all were dead (it took three days to carry off the ‘loot’). It is one of my favourite O.T. stories, because King Jehoshaphat was scared but he gathered all his people to pray and seek God’s help, and they got it too.
The Egyptian army drowning in the sea is another (Exodus Ch. 14; verses 1-31).
God also killed His own people too. Yes indeed. Strange you may think. God had warned the Israelites to obey his specific commands and directions but many flatly refused and had forgotten the great things God had done for them. A good number of them died. As soon as they repented (were sorry) and did right, all was well. Some people do need to ‘be taught a lesson’ and God’s punishment, even death, was a part of it. It might be repeated again in our time if some ‘Christian’ nations are not careful. Some say that Australia is a ‘post Christian’ nation now (i.e we used to be be Cristian in our belief and behaviour but now we are not). Many Aussies pay little heed to God and the Bible – but NOT ALL!
We are not specifically told. They had Cain and Abel first, and then Seth came along. “After Seth was born Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5: verse 4). So we cannot know but I think that Eve should have been given some mention because she did all the work!! (That’s me joking).
Yes, most definitely. It’s in the first page of the Bible in the creation story, “And God said, ‘Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.’ So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems*, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis Ch.1 Verses 20 to 21)
I think God did a great job with the oceans. You can see some of its glorious beauty with a snorkel, face mask and flippers close to shore in many places in the ocean. Just so beautiful!
*Teems, is a good word to describe the oceans God created. I find it a great shame, a tragedy, that the oceans that people have fished with much joy for hundreds of years, are now ‘teeming’ with plastic. Millions of tonnes of plastic that breaks down eventually and kills birds, fish, turtles and sharks. Only humans ‘foul’ their own nest! Animals treat this planet better than so called ‘intelligent’ human beings. Do you agree?
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