Category: "Danger"

Q123: How do you fight/avoid sins? and a similar one by someone else on the same day: Q124: What happens if you sin? ’Thank you…you will make a good mark in life because you have thought about such things.’ About the most important and helpful que… more »
In history, ’wars’ are mostly not made by God. But on several occasions He did direct the armies of ungodly nations to punish and send into exile His own people, the Israelites (Jews), because they just were stiffnecked and hard-hearted and would not o… more »
Well, sadly, good people do die. They are sent to the war by our governments – some for good and proper reasons and some for ’not-so-good-or-proper reasons’. Politics get in the way and money does too. Politicians, good and bad, choose to go to war and… more »
Oh boy, this one is not easy to answer by anyone. One could expect answers at least sometimes but I have heard of some immediate, spoken answers to immediate, urgent needs. God talked to Moses, Elijah, Jonah and some other Bible notables in the early… more »
For many reasons and some unknown causes. There is no easy or simple answer to this very often asked question. And please be wary of anybody who says they know. Bad things can happen to good people and we cannot know why while here on earth. But bad thi… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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