Category: "Life"

God, His Father, planned for Jesus to be here on earth only for a short while. Why? Well, Jesus home is in heaven and He had to leave us because His time was up. The church (12 disciples) had to learn to do without their leader. Jesus said: “I will… more »
We could have a lot of fun without school. Trouble is humans are here on earth to grow! With nothing to do, we humans are inclined to go downhill and be naughty rather than good. The Bible is full of stories of people doing just that with bad consequ… more »
Well I am so glad he made you because you brought something to school that was very special and the class would not have been so good without you! Nobody else was like you. Wonderful! Six billion and not one is exactly like another. God made the worl… more »
I have to think you mean ‘like no one else’. Well I think God has done a pretty good job of making 6,500,000 000 people who are all different and you are unique in being what you are. Nobody looks exactly the same, eye patterns, fingerprints and DNA se… more »
Cannot tell you exactly except to say that the world is constantly changing. The Garden of Eden, or Paradise as God first made it, had the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flowing through it, plus two others. It became Babylon and later Persia.That’s in (Ge… more »

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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