
Q.264: “What happened to the other wife?”

That’s Leah, Jacob’s first wife, the one Jacob’s uncle Laban tricked him into marrying (see Genesis Chapter 29).

It got quite involved in Bible times because Jacob did not really love Leah – but that was not very important. If you have sex with a girl then she becomes your wife! Jacob did marry Rachel a week later but he loved Rachel very much and now had two wives (which was not uncommon).

Leah gave Jacob six sons and the Bible says that when Jacob was on his deathbed he told his sons to bury him in the cave at Machpelah, at the place where Abraham and Sarah were buried : “…and I buried Leah there too.” (Gen; 49:31).
So it was a fairly uneventful life for Leah.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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