
Q108: Why are some people Gay?

Why are some people Gay?

’Gay’ is another word for homosexual and I will not ask another person for their opinion because there are so many theories and it would take too long. This is my opinion.

I believe that when a child is conceived by a female ’egg’ being fertilised by a male sperm (can only be seen under a microscope) there begins a process of creating a new life. This, some say, is a miracle and I fully agree. All those DNA bits and genes decide your hair colour, skin colour, your face, your height and feet size and so on…and the child is 50% Mum and 50% Dad. Grandmas and Grandads think they are beautiful. How do I know? I have eight ’Grandies’ and four ’Great Grandies’ so that’s how I know!

Millions, maybe it is billions of chromosomes, genes and DNA (look those up in a dictionary for yourself) must be joined together perfectly over nine months inside the woman’s body. Errors can happen in that very, very complicated process and various poisons, can damage the process. Handicapped, disabled and imperfect babies are then born and I guess that a homosexual person can be the result of an error in a very complicated process.

I saw a Chinese guy on TV who was half a metre taller than everyone else. He was two-and-a-half metres tall! I think the ’height genes’ forgot to stop multiplying so he got to be very tall. Not too good going through doors. DUCK YOUR BLOOMIN’ HEAD! Others are born with Down’s syndrome, spina bifida, cerebral palsy and quite a few other abnormalities. Homosexuality, I believe, is another minor error.

I have seen a few lambs that are born with both male and female body parts. They are known as hermaphrodites. A few humans are that way too and that makes for a very difficult life for them. Even God claimed that He made imperfect babies. Yes!! Way back in the Bible Moses was told by God to: ’…go and tell the Pharaoh of Egypt to let my people go.’ They were there in slavery. Moses did not want to confront the Pharaoh and claimed that he had a speech impediment: ’ Moses replied, “I have never been a good speaker. I wasn’t one before you spoke to me, and I am not one now. I am slow at speaking, and I can never think of what to say.” But the Lord answered.“Who makes people able to speak or makes them deaf or unable to speak. Who gives then sight or makes them blind? Don’t you know it is I who does these things? Now go! When you speak I will be with you and give you words to say.’” ( Exodus chapter 4 verses 10 to 12). God got quite annoyed with Moses later, read it in verses 13 to 17) It all finished up, OK. I have never heard a preacher explain that passage of scripture about birth defects – it is pretty hard to understand.

I believe that the process of bringing a new life (a baby) into the world is so highly complicated, with so many millions of perfectly correct connections to be made between genes, chromosones, DNA and all that, it is so marvellous, that it should be called ’A miracle’. Errors do happen.

For real solid information see www.NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (USA) October 2006 to see and read about chemicals that today are poisoning people –for profit ($$$$). 30 pages of it too. Some people worship money and care not for poisoning people!!

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.