
Q149: If someone kills someone do they go to heaven or hell?

The full question was:

Q149: If someone kills someone to save themself or others do you go to heaven or hell?

At first reading of this question I would say ’No.’ because I imagine my family being attacked by some madman, or an enemy. You may be thinking of something else.

In this country of Australia we have ’the rule of law’ (based on the Bible) that permits a person to use: ’… reasonable force to defend himself.’ So if somebody is attacking you with an axe or lethal (deadly) weapon you are free to attack him; and if he dies later you are not guilty and as God is a God of justice you will not go to hell. The Bible covers just about everything that humans can get up to.

In the ’Books of Moses’ (Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers) almost every problem that can happen between humans is covered and the penalty for wrong doing is written there. Yes, even stoning to death, repayment for things borrowed and then lost, and so on. It is ’heavy’ reading indeed but unique in how God knows what humans can get up to. It shows God’s clear way to justice – not all nations follow it.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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