
Q176: How did God come alive?

Because we know almost nothing of God’s origin I am going to assume you mean ‘How did Jesus come alive after he died?’

There are many prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus birth and his life. Jesus, in the New Testament (that’s in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) spoke often of his own death and later resurrection (coming back to life). ‘What?’ The disciples must have thought – ‘come back to life – nobody does that!’ I would have thought the same: ‘Who can come back to life? nobody else ever has!’

So, we now have a miracle, from God the Father in Heaven. He did it because nobody on earth has that kind of power. How did He do it? Well truthfully, I just cannot tell you how God did it and neither can anybody else down here on earth. It is, and always will, be a mystery, until we see God. He can do anything!

You too will live again after your body dies and somehow, you, and all others will stand before God. Some of us will be very happy, others will be very scared and afraid. Check out some of the other questions like: “What happens after you die?” (Q.118) You can be one of the happy ones if you choose to be.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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