
Q178: “I wonder what God looks like?” and “Is God human like us does he look like us?”

He is ‘Majestic!’ Quite beyond anything we could imagine. There are no pictures of God – only artists’ ideas of what they think God looks like. There are many references in Scripture and they are, to me, a bit confusing. Jesus said: “If you have seen me you have seen the father.” And : “I,and the Father are one.” Jesus makes no mention that they both ‘look’ the same in appearance. Maybe Jesus meant in love, compassion and a deep care for people, and the ability to perform miracles.

I fear that if we really knew what God looked like – His face would be on breakfast cereal boxes, cool drinks bottles etc. “Yuk!” Who would want that? In the Old Testament when God’s voice was heard the mountain shook (and the people too) and they begged Moses to save them. (See Exodus Ch 19:1-2)

In the book in the Bible called ‘Revelation’ there are several descriptions of God’s majestic appearance and power. Not all of them to be taken literally. Starts in Revelation Ch. 4.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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