
Q191: “Why doesn’t God come and talk to the people on the earth?” and “Mr Harris, have you ever had Jesus talk back to you when you pray?”

Well, I have been ‘spoken to’ four times, but not like on a telephone and I was not told who it was. Please read Q.72 on my life. Another time while Bible reading (devotions) a voice interrupted me to say: “Go and see Mrs Arnold.” “Oh no, not her!” I thought or said. For a minute or two ‘we’ (the voice and me) argued back and forth. Yes we did! The ‘voice‘ just kept repeating, “Go and see Mrs Arnold.” No annoyance or emotion at all. I finally agreed, reluctantly, to go from Kalamunda to Lockridge and was 90 minutes late for Bible College lectures. Mrs Arnold lived on the third floor with no phone, lift and no fly or security screens.

Mrs Arnold was about to jump out of the third floor Homeswest flat (unit) and suicide. My visit stopped her. She said: “Well, God must have sent you – I was just about to jump out of the window and kill myself.” She talked non-stop for 45 minutes and I had no chance to tell her that someone actually did send me, but I have to assume it was one of God’s angels telling me: “Go.” (I didn’t tell her I didn’t want to see her!)

Being ‘Spoken to’: I have met one lady three times – but also to hear her tell her story. The story is of a 22 year old, quite a beautiful girl, lost on a child’s canoe (bunca) in the wild South China Sea for three days and two nights – including tropical storms at night. She was ‘spoken to’ by an unseen male voice ten or twenty times!! Yes indeed she was – and scared to death too – and was quite sure she was going to die. She did not die. Three angels kept watch over her the second night. Her book: A Mighty Tempest, by Michelle Hamilton is truly incredible reading. Jonah Ministries can be found on the www.jonahministries. Her story could not have been made up, it is just too incredible, and her book is ‘hard to put down’. I have read it twice and heard her tell it three times. She is a ‘good looker’ and blonde too – and the fishermen who rescued her thought she was: ‘…an Americano mermaid’ – but no, just one very lost girl in the middle of the ocean.

So I know of nobody having Jesus ‘talk’ to them. A ‘voice’ yes, but not saying who he was, but may have been Jesus himself. The written word in the Bible has ample directions to help us to know the way to live and so on. We do need to read the Bible for directions. There is much guidance there.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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