
Q86: When will the earth end?

“When God has had enough of our stupidity!” (my opinion)

The disciples asked Jesus this and He said: “The angels in heaven don’t know and I don’t know, only my Father in heaven knows.”

Jesus said a lot about in Matthew chapter 24. Note: Jesus called it ‘the end of the age.’

If you are in His family you have nothing to worry about. He loves you and has gone to prepare a place for us all.

Our civilisation is in trouble. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The city I live in, Perth, (population over 1.5 million) has a murder or a killing of some sort about every day. Fifty years ago it was more like one a year. Yes, it was once like that.

I believe that our leaders will soon, not be able to manage the multitude of problems in this world. For instance - too many people have not enough water, food or housing. Drugs and money problems by the dozen as well as refugees flocking to new places looking for safety.

I think some may simply give up and walk away, hoping someone else can solve the problems.

I personally believe ‘this age’ cannot last another 50 years without some very big changes in the attitude of ‘rich folk’.

I believe that only a few will change their consumer lifestyle to help save this world from some sort of serious trouble.

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The Answerer

The Answerer - Peter Harris, answered children's questions from his many years of teaching "Scripture" classes.
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